Ultimate guide to social media & how I got 20k followers in a year

by | Last modified on Oct 9, 2023 | Advice

(Updated 2020 based on latest althorithm updates!) It’s taken me years to get my head around social media, learning the best way to post to get maximum exposure and how/what to do to get more followers.

I’m by no means an expert, but I do know a fair bit. And in this blog I’m going to give share with you all that I know – with a specific focus on Facebook and Instagram (my main platforms) – but also a brief insight into the other platforms I’m familiar with.

Note that I am running 2 sets of social media accounts as I have 2 brands. My personal brand, me, The Ordinary Adventurer blog. And also the community I set up, Love Her Wild.

I want to start by changing your attitude regarding social media. Most people hate it and I get why.

It can be a slow and painfully confusing conundrum getting your head around all the different platforms. But instead of getting frustrated, change your attitude and start to think positively about the potential that social media offers us.

In a just over a year, I managed to build my social media following to over 20,000 including my Love Her Wild Facebook group to over 5,000 members. In 3 years, my social media following had grown to over 40,000.

Not groundbreaking numbers by any means, but enough that I could make a living out of something I love doing. And go on some pretty unique adventures all over the world. It’s also thanks to my social media pages that I have met some increidble friends the last years.

Social media is a powerful tool when used effectively.

How much have I spent?

Just a quick disclosure in case you are wondering….I didn’t spend a penny on social media when growing my following those first 3 years.

I’ve never paid for followers (we need a serious talk about this in a second) and I’ve never paid for adverts. For now, money shouldn’t come into it.

What are the best social media platforms?

The 2 main platforms I use most for social media are; Facebook and Instagram.

I also have a Twitter and Pinterest account and a YouTube channel.

Facebook is my favourite as I find it so flexible and interactive. It’s great for sharing my blogs and videos. I also created my own Facebook group – launching the Love Her Wild Facebook community. It’s been great for building a following and growing both brands.

Twitter has been invaluable when it has come to building relationships with peers (other adventurers and adventure brands) and is great for relevant discussions. As it fits in the least with my brand as a blogger and a community then I barely use it anymore.

I was late to the game with Instagram but my following has boomed and I am really starting to understand its value. I think it is the easiest platform to communicate and engage with others.

It is also well loved by sponsors and brands who want to work with you!

A word about YouTube:

There’s lots of talk that YouTube is a dying platform, although it remains the most used of all social media. Since Facebook has upped their game with video (and YouTube has reduced their advertising commisions) vloggers and video sharers are starting to move entirely to Facebook.

On Facebook, your video plays automatically meaning higher view rates and the engagement is considerably higher (another big advantage that it is so comfortable/east for people to share). YouTube still requires a click through which means you will get much fewer views. Plus you will get much fewer comments and likes on YouTube in relation to viewing rates.

The biggest advantage of YouTube is that you can search for relevant films but I think that Facebook will offer this feature soon too. This feature is most relevant to those who are doing ‘how-to’ type videos so if you fall into this category then you may still want a YouTube account.

There is no harm in posting your videos across different platforms. Although when it comes to selling yourself, having 10,000 views on one video looks better than 5,000 on the same video on 2 different platforms.

I decided to launch a YouTube channel but just to start providing content for my existing followers (ie, I’ll share the videos in my blogs, newsletter and Facebook page) rather than trying to get new subscribers through the channel.

A word about Pinterest:

I know a lot of bloggers that get most of their traffic (or at least a significant amount) through Pinterest.

I’ve experimented with the channel a bit. While I found it was easy to get my number of views and pins up, the links to my website were minimal and not really worth my effort or time.

If you are a blogger though, this is a platform you should consider.


I signed up for a software called Hootsuite that I have found really helpful.

It basically allows you to manage all your platforms in one place, although the biggest help for me is being able to schedule posts. For example, if I want to run a competition, I’m going to want maybe 7 reminders on my social media over a strategic timeframe. With Hootsuite, I can do this in one go so that I don’t need to keep thinking about when to post or trying to remember when my last post was.

Cheating: Follow/unfollow and paid followers

There are 2 ways you can ‘cheat’ at social media:

The follow/unfollow game

Here’s how it works. You follow a load of people then hope that some of them will follow you back. 1 or 2 days later you then unfollow them all and repeat the process. What this does is slowly creeps up your ‘followers’ while keeping your ‘following’ numbers fairly low.

This game is mostly played on Instagram. This is the reason your ‘followers’ number sometimes goes up and down without explanation. People are playing the follow/unfollow game.

There used to be bots that would do this for you but Instagram has found a way to shut them down. Now the bots can just watch//vote in polls on Insta Stories or leave automated comments. You can see both these tactics are clearly driven by a bot so don’t sign up to either.

I think it is far more effective to use your time liking and commenting on other peoples posts. This gets you noticed without being so blatant!

Although when I did first launch my Instagram account I followed a ton of people which is the easiest way to give your account a boost in the beginning. A year later (once I understood the platform better and was actually using it myself and wanting to control the content on my newsfeed) I had a filter and unfollowed loads of people.

Having a clear-out on social media is something I do all the time and I personally think it’s healthy for my mental health. People get really offended if you do this to them on Instagram especially but I think this is ridiculous and is something I don’t give thought to. If they’re keeping tabs enough to know when someone is unfollowing them then they really need to solve some underlining personal issues!

Paying for followers

Another way you can get followers easily is to pay for them. It’s quite simple…you head over to Fiverr pay $5-50 and you will get 1000 followers. Simples….

Except there’s a good chance your account will be shut down instantly. And also they won’t be real followers. Most of them will be fake accounts set up to follow people who are paying for this service and nothing more.

So this is a bad idea. It used to be pretty standard practice 10 years ago but all the social media platforms are savvy to this now and may penalise you.

Why do you need ‘real’ followers anyway?

Firstly, brands and sponsors are getting savvy to these games and are also taking in to account your engagement levels, not just your following numbers. They are likely to use something like Social Blade (a platform that highlights suspicious activity like too much follow/unfollowing or a sudden jump in numbers) to do a quick check that you aren’t using dodgy tactics.

But here’s the biggest problem….

Ask yourself the question, why are you building a following? Maybe you have a product you’d like to sell (blogging also comes under this category if you want to use affiliate links or make a living from it) or maybe you want an audience to share your ideas, inspire or drive a change for good.

Whatever your reason, you are going to need real authentic follows. Individuals who know who you are and like what you do.

Trust me when I say it is better to have 20 true followers than 2000 fake ones. My Patreon scheme is a great example. I’ve built up Love Her Wild authentically on nothing more than hard work and good intentions. I have over 100 Patreon’s now – that’s 100+ individuals who believe in what I do so much that they are willing to support me financially.

How many Patreons would I have got from 2000 fake followers who don’t know my name and have just robotically clicked ‘like’? Not a single one.

Authenticity is the highest value in social media. Not the number.

For more proof on this, check out the 1000 true fans theory.

#11 general social media top tips

These top social media tips are my golden rules and what I keep in mind across all my platforms.

#1 Get it looking good from the start

From the day you open your social media account, get it looking as good as you can. Use Canva to create a nice cover photo. Pick a great profile picture (use the same one across all your platforms – you want to be consistent). Make the most of the description and link spaces available to send people to your website.

Set the bar high from the beginning. That means making your posts a bit more profesional….no more blurry selfies!!

#2 Have a clear message

Branding is SO important when you are starting out building…well, anything really! Be very clear about who you are and why you are unique from all the other people out there. You should be able to describe yourself and your blog/brand in one simple sentence.

You want this to come across clearly on your social media pages so if somebody comes across you, they know straight away what you are about.

Have you also read my blog: 11 smart things I did when growing my adventure brand? This might give you some ideas!

#3 Get every single one of your family and friends to like your pages

Use your friends and families support to give you that initial boost on your social media pages. Share on your personal profiles asking friends and family to like your page. Do this more than once!

You could send an email out to everyone you know asking them to like your page. Or even better, ask them to share your page.

#4 Keep in mind that small numbers are a big deal

Social media is a slow game which is where people go wrong because they get frustrated. But here’s the thing, every single follower is to be celebrated. It is very rare for people to unfollow (unless you really mess things up) which means that most of those followers are for life.

If you have got 1 new follower today, you have taken a step in the right direction. I sometimes set myself challenges to try and grow 30 followers in a day!

#5 Aim for the 1000 mark

Your first goal on social media should be passing 1000. This puts you in a different league.

The closer you get to this number, the easier it becomes. The more followers you have, the more likes and comments you get which means the more people see you and the more new followers you get. Numbers grows numbers.

So basically, those first few hundreds are going to be the hardest.

#6 Get over your embarrassment

Embarrassed to shamelessly ask your friends to like your page? Embarrassed to get involved in a Twitter conversation between peers in your industry that you really admire? Embarrassed to post on your social media page when you only have 64 followers?

Well, get over it! We’ve all got to start somewhere. Even the big players with millions of followers started with 1.

The bolder and braver you are with your social media, the more likely you are to grow.

#7 Get followers to like your other platforms

Once you’ve got a chunky following (I’d say at least 500) it is worth asking people to like your other platforms. So once in a while on Facebook, ask people to follow you on Instagram. Or ask your Twitter followers to check out Facebook.

Include your Twitter and Instagram handle in your Facebook description as well.

#8 Offer something different on all your platforms

There is nothing worse than seeing an automated Instagram post on Twitter or Facebook. This is so lazy! It doesn’t work and it makes your social media platform look hollow which is a damaging thing.

Also, if you are a Facebook user mostly and you see an automated post from Instagram you are much less likely to interact because clearly you are only using Instagram.

Use different photos and videos on each platform (you don’t have to do this all the time, but most of the time). Offer something unique to each. My Instagram style of writing and what/how I share is very different to Facebook.

#9 Follow the best

Follow people that have lots of followers and spend time reading their feeds and noticing their engagement. They are the best people to learn from and you will pick up lots of invaluable tips.

It’s fine to copy when you see a good idea, but it’s always better to put your own spin on it if you can.

#10 Remember that not everyone will see your post

Only a percentage of your followers are going to see your post….the amount will depend on timing and engagement rates. This is why important things need to be said more than once!

In terms of call to action ‘read this blog’ or ‘buy this book’ it is often sugested that a person needs to see it 5 times for them to act.

#11 Always value your followers

This is so important.

Spend time reading and replying to followers comments. They need to (rightfully) be valued. It can be difficult to reply to everyone if you get a lot of comments on one post. In this instance, comment on the first few and then ‘like’ the rest to show you have read them.

What to post?

The more you practice, the better you will become at social media posting. Content writing is a skill like anything else. It does get easier with time! Here are my top tips:

Quality, quality, quality

When people ask me ‘how do you become a successful blogger?‘, the main bit of advice I give is to only put out decent content. You don’t need to be the best writer in the world, but the core of your writing needs to be good quality – useful, well thought out and sharable. Social media is exactly the same. If you want more followers, your content needs to be good quality.

If you write a really useful and original post, with great pictures, it will get shared and liked.

Don’t make it all about you

Your social media channels will be so much more enriched if you don’t just make them about you. Share interesting relevant blogs and articles you read. Recommend people to follow or events to go to. Make your page the go-to.

Keep it interesting and varied

I unfollow people who just post the same generic posts day after day –  ‘check out my blog’, ‘listen to my podcast’, ‘here’s another picture of the back of my head looking at a mountain’. It’s dull.

Mix up your platforms with films, photos, blogs, articles and quotes. Keep your photos varied too although remember to include plenty of pictures of you (and your face) so your platforms have character.

If it helps, you could always do a schedule. So Monday you share your blog, Tuesday you write a real-time update with a photo, Wednesday you share someone else’s blog or an article, etc.

Keep it personal and honest

Let your personality shine through and find your voice. People really enjoy following pages where they get an insight into someone’s life. Honesty is popular – share when things go wrong and things are bad. They are just as juicy as the good bits!

Don’t ever share rubbish

Remember my point about quality? If you haven’t good a decent picture or something worth saying then it is better to skip a post then put out something that is garbage.

If you don’t know what to write in the post, just state what you are doing

Quite often I hear people say that they never know what to write in the post. It can be difficult in the beginning but don’t over think it. If you ever get stuck, all you need to do is write what it is you are doing or what it is you are thinking or feeling. Don’t make every post like this but it works well for your day-to-day picture updates: “Here’s me about to go on my first ever dive. I’m feeling nervous but can’t wait to see the coral.”

How often to post?

The trick is to post regularly and consistently. Each platform has their own rules for posting and this is important to follow so that you are active and worth following but don’t become annoying by posting too much and bombarding peoples feeds.

Here’s a general rule for maximum posting:

Facebook: 1-2 times a week
Instagram: photo once a day
Facebook & Instagram stories 3-8 posts a day, a few days a week (if you didn’t already know you can link the 2 so you only have to post on Instagram for it to appear on your Facebook stories as well, although this won’t include links and tags)
Twitter: 5 to 20 times a day

Social media platforms punish you for posting too much. For example, if you don’t get lots of likes or engagements on your post (which you won’t if you post multiple times a day) then Facebook will think you aren’t popular so will show your posts last on peoples feeds.

So…..it’s fine to post less than the recomended amounts above but never more!

Another thing to consider with posting

I’m a big believer in being authentic with your social media and humans naturally sometimes need a break.

Not only will the platforms penalise you for over sharing but people get bored of seeing the same content over and over.

Don’t ever force posts if you don’t feel like it. It’s better to take a break and get re-inspired then to keep plugging away when your heart isn’t in it because that will show.

I’ve unfollowed lots of people before because they post too much. I don’t want to see their stories or posts every single day and it gets too much. The creators I’m most engaged with are the ones who post reguarly but leave enough of a gap that I’m wanting more.

The only exception to this rule is if the posting is specifically part of the content. Ie, Nas Daily and his 60second daily videos.

When to post?

It’s so important that you nail social media timing. You can write the most amazing bit of content but if you share it at the wrong time, only a handful of people will see it and your efforts are completely wasted. Each time you post you want to maximise the amount of people that will view it.

Timing is all about understanding your audience. Think about it…when do you check your social media? Most likely on weekdays you have a quick check first thing in the morning but nothing too strenuous. Then another look every lunch break. Instagram is hard to sneak a peak at while you are at work, but killing time on Facebook and Twitter on a lazy afternoon is easy in an office.

There are general rules you can follow but best is to experiment and work out what is the most successful time for your particular audience. You can work this out based on engagement feedback or Facebook evens tells you how many people have viewed you content and when under the ‘insights’ tab. Note that people also have different habits depending on things like weather and if there are holidays coming up.

But for starting out, here are some general rules….

  • Know what country most of your followers are in (there’s no point posting to prime UK time if all your followers are in the USA)
  • Don’t ever post at the weekend before 8am or after 8pm
  • Weekdays between 1-4pm are a great time to post (if ever you needed proof that no one actually works in an office after lunch!) but the most active times for me are starting at 8pm but getting even busier at 9pm
  • Don’t ever post between 11pm and 7am
  • If you post at the weekend, from 1pm is good but again, evening at 9pm is best
  • Tuesday – Thursdays are considered very good days for posting
  • Monday to Friday at 3pm is considered a great time to post to Twitter
  • Monday to Friday 12-1pm is a great time to post on Instagram
  • In most cases, engagement is actually higher at the weekend. You might get more people viewing your post in the week, but they are more likely to click through or buy a product or leave a detailed comment at the weekend, so you’ve got to weigh this up. This will play a part depending on if you are trying to sell something vs wanting exposure and a high number of hits.

Remember that these are general rules. Your audience is unique and may prefer a different timescale so experiement. Keep track of engagment and find the times that work best for you.

How to get more followers on Facebook

Facebook is my favourite platform although the hardest to grow a following for a page. I find having my Love Her Wild Facebook group invaluable. Because of the new algerith it is very hard to build a Facebook page now so if you don’t already have one set up I would seriously question not bothering and just focusing your efforts on other platforms.

Here’s my top tips on how to get more followers on Facebook:

Invite people to like your page

When you open your page, there is an option to invite friends to like it.

You can also click on the ‘likes’ section on your posts, which looks like this:

how to get more followers on Facebook

It will show up a list of everyone who has liked this post. If they haven’t already liked your page, there is an option to invite them. Make a habit to invite any new likes on your posts at the end of each week.

Always use a picture and make it nice

No one is going to read your post if it doesn’t have a picture….we are visual beings!

Bad photos are really damaging to your page so make sure you only use inviting quality ones. This is especially important when posting a blog post which will automatically post whatever the feature image is. If it isn’t good, override the photo with one that you choose.

Join groups and get active in them

Facebook groups will be your most valuable friend. Join relevant groups that fit your niche for example travelling, adventuring, hiking, etc. To find them, you just need to type relevant words in the Facebook search bar and then select groups to see what is out there.

Then spend time getting to know the groups to find ones that are most active and that fit your style. Join in conversations in those groups. Get to know the members and stay in tune. It will help you understand your target audience and will inspire new content.

When relevant in conversations, you can reply with links to your blog or page. Only do this if it is relevant or you genuinely have something of value to share! Blatant self-promotion gets deleted and won’t win you any followers.

Always share your posts directly on your Facebook page

If you want to share your blog post or something of interest, always do this directly from your Facebook page. To do this, post on your page, then click ‘share’ under the posts’ box:

how to get more followers

You can then select where you want to post it (ie in another group) and then click post. Add a message to make it personalised.

What this means is your post will then show up with your Page name included and a ‘like’ button making it easy for people to like your page. It will look like this (note that this example hasn’t put an additional message)

how to get more followers on Twitter

It is important if you post in a group that you read their rules first (usually in the group description). There are lots that don’t allow you to post blogs or self-promote. Respect the rules! Different groups have different purposes. Breaking them will only get you deleted and banned.

Work with your peers

Get to know your peers, like their pages and share their content and they will likely return the favour. This has got to be done genuinely though. Fake blanket shares and comments are easy to see through.

I spend a lot of time supporting other female adventurers and they make up a core part of my following and regularly share what I do as well.

Long posts are ok

I used to be wary of writing posts that were too lengthy and wordy instead opting for shorter ‘Twitter style’ posts. But actually my engagement is much higher when I write longer and more meaningful posts. Always break it up into digestible paragraphs and keep sentences short.

Use the pinned post feature

You can pin a post on your page which is a great way to introduce you to new audience members. Most adventurers make this post about their biggest journey yet and needless the say, the photo needs to be spot on.

Use Facebook live

I’m slow using Facebook live although I know it is a great feature for many reasons….Facebook notifies followers if you are live (it’s still relatively unused so most people haven’t gotten around to turning the automatic notification off yet!). So your viewing rate is much higher. It also rewards pages that use live, boosting your algorithm.

It saves you a lot of time vs editing video and I think there’s a real element to it that is personal (plus I think people are waiting to see if something bad happens, ie an epic live fail!). You don’t want to overuse this feature though and it is worth noting that live videos very rarely get shared.

Start a community

Facebook is all over communities these days. They’ve pumped a lot of money into supporting Facebook groups and there’s talk that Instagram will be heading this way too soon.

If there’s a way you can build in a tribe or community to what you do then go for it. In groups anyone can post which can help keep the engagment up. Facebook generally favours groups over pages so it should grow faster.

If you link the page and group together you can post in the group under your page name. And then invite anyone who likes the post to like your page. Also use scheduling a conversation starters in the group to get people engaged and talking.

Really my community became a success when I started translating the online space into real-life meet-ups.

Avoid linking to outside websites

Facebook doesn’t like it if you link to a website or page that is not in Facebook as it takes people out of the App or website. It will rarley promote these posts. If you do have to link to another site then add a photo rather than having a ‘link-to box’ on the post.

For this reason it’s better to upload videos directly to Facebook rather than add a link to your YouTube channel.

How to get more followers on Instagram

Instagram I find a bit baffling and really quite frustrating as a platform. Unlike Facebook, where I always feel like there’s new things for me to try, I can very easily get stagnant and see no growth.

Here’s what I do know though:

Only use epic photos

Instagram is all about the initial image so should be saved for only your absolute best pictures. Never post a blurry, poor quality picture. Watch some free online tutorials on composition and taking half-decent pictures. It’s worth investing the effort into photography (for all your platforms really).

Find a style

There are lots of options for filters on Instagram but whatever you decide to do, make sure you are consistent. If you search through Instagram accounts that have thousands or millions of followers, you will notice that they have a style. Using just one or 2 filters. You will also want your photos to have a clear theme. If you are all about camping, then only post relevant camping photos.

Delete old pictures that don’t work

The best Instagram accounts work as a whole product, so when you scroll through the pictures in an account everything looks nice. Once you’ve found your style, have a weed delete any old pictures that don’t look good or don’t now fit your style.

Nailing hashtags

There’s no point using hashtags that have millions of people using them as no one is going to find you in amongst all the noise. What’s better is using lesser known hashtags relevant to your niche. Each post can have up to 30 hashtags…so use your limit.

To find hashtags, look at Instagramers in your field and see what they are using. Search relevant words and see what suggestions crop up (it says next to it how many times it has been used as well…you are looking for hashtags that are in the hundreds, low thousands range).

In my notes on my phone, I have created lists of hashtags in groups of 30 under different headings….i.e, adventurer hashtags, women outdoors hashtags, blogger hashtags, conservation hashtags. When I post a picture on Instagram I then copy and paste the group of hashtags most relevant to that post.

This will save you so much time!! And it works.

If you post your hashtags it in the comment box (which I prefer…it’s quicker, looks neater and disappears are a few people have commented) you need to paste it within a few seconds of posting otherwise you will lose real-time searches. So have your hashtags paste ready to go before you hit post.

Use stories

I love Instagram stories. It’s my most engaged and viewed social media platform.

I’ve written all my top tips for Instagram Stories in a separate blog as I want to give this area justice!

Aim for 10,000 followers

When you have this number you are allowed to add a link to a story. If you are trying to promote something then you really need this tool! Before getting this number of followers the only way you can promote a link is to put it in your bio and write ‘link in bio’…..not very effective!

How to get more followers on Twitter

When I put time into using Twitter I find it really easy to gain new followers, perhaps because it is the platform that most encourages engagment with new people.

As I’ve slowed down my appearence on Twitter my numbers have stopped growing. It’s been quite black and white. Here’s what I know about the platform though:

Create specific photos when sharing content

If you share a blog on Twitter, the attachment link and photo looks ugly and small. It is much better to create an image (ideally with text) using Canva that will catch peoples attention. I found out this week that the best ratio for Twitter is 2×1 on any images and photos. Attach the image to the post and then just have the link to the blog or website in the text.

Here’s an example of one I made for a recent blog post. It isn’t the best example but the text in the image was engaging which was an important feature for getting people to link through:

how to get more followers on Instagram

Stir up conversations

Twitter is the place for controversy. Twitter users love a good debate so be bold with your opinions and start interesting conversations. It’s the best way to be heard and to have people share your post.

Don’t be shy to get involved with discussions

Twitter is a great place to nosy in on the conversations of people you admire in your field. If you see a real-life debate kicking off and have something interesting to say, don’t be afraid to have your input. Twitter is a great place to put your name out there in your industry and to start building relationships with key individuals.

Worse case scenario they ignore your Tweet but at least they’ve seen your name!

Only hashtag live events

You’ve probably become a bit hashtag happy after Instagram, but Twitter isn’t the place for it. Only use live/trending hashtags that are being used to for current conversations and never more than 3.

Retweet with a comment

Twitter should be as much about Retweeting comments and articles you find interesting as coming up with your own Tweets. I always think a Retweet is wasted if you don’t add a ‘quote’ with it (ie your own comment). You are much more likely to get the engagement, a comment and a follow from the original poster and other commenters on that post versus them just getting a notification that you have Retweeted (which is grouped with any other users who have done the same).

Wit and humour

Although a lot of posts on Twitter are serious, wit and humour go a long way. It’s what makes the platform so entertaining and why I’m quite addicted to following those who have the best way with words. If you’ve got a good sense of humour let that come through.

You must engage

Regardless of what platform you use, you must engage and interact with others. Sending private messages directly to those that support you by sharing your content to say thank you. Write personal comments if your followers share something interesting.

It really is worth investing time and energy into this but do it authentically. Building an online connection is how you build loyal followers.

You’ve got to be likeable!

Following all these rules and systems can make you a bit robotic and salesy….which is a bad thing! On all your social media platforms, you have got to be likeable. Although I focus a lot on being ‘useful’ there are plenty of thriving individuals who have thousands, even millions of followers just because they are well liked. People enjoy following them and being a part of their life.

So know these rules and know what works, but don’t over do them.

Keep learning

Social media is a game. Like with any game, the winners are the ones who are focused, consistent and who try different tactics. And who know the rules – the rules are called ‘Algorithms’ when it comes to social media.

I’ve shared with you everything I know but really this has only touched the surface. Getting good at social media is a process and it doesn’t happen overnight. The best thing you can do is to stay patient, keep experimenting and to keep learning. Follow the people who are winning on each platform so you can understand what they are doing that is so right.

And if you want to take social media seriously, learn from the experts in the field. I can really recommend the following:

Do you have any questions or tips you’d like to share? Please use the comments box below!

If you found this blog helpful, follow me on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Or you can subscribe to my YouTube channel. I give all my advice out for free on my website. If you want to say thanks, you can buy me a coffee!

*Any women reading this?* I founded a women’s adventure community called Love Her WIld . Check out our private Facebook page and see what adventures we have coming up.

Bex Band

Bex Band

Welcome to my blog! I'm an award-winning adventurer, bestselling author and founder of Love Her Wild. My work and adventures have featured in BBC, The Guardian and Condé Nast. I love nothing more than travelling and getting outdoors on solo and family adventures. Using my years of experience, I provide advice and inspiration on various topics, including wild camping, charity challenges, glamping and travel itineraries.


  1. Ellie

    Your tips are spot on! I really admire what you’re doing in terms of personal trips as well as helping others get more adventure in their life. You’re clearly doing a lot right, there’s a reason so many of us follow you <3 I too have heard that Pintrest is good but it at just seems like a jumble of pictures to me.

    And thanks for promoting yourself at the end…despite being an avid Facebook follower, I'd never bothered finding you on Twitter or Insta!

    • admin

      Thank you Ellie…I really can’t get my head around Pintrest. Although I know it takes time. It took me about 3 months with Twitter and Instagram to properly understand how it works.
      Never miss an opportunity to promote your social media channels, eh?!

  2. David Stanbridge

    Hey Bex! I follow a lot of adventures (other than yourself) who may have a lot more followers or be a lot longer in the game than yourself but I find your blogs to one of only a couple I’m reading when I have the time! I feel like I can relate to what you say and it’s told with honesty and without bullshit! Keep it up!

    David (SoloStan)

    • Bex Band

      That’s such a kind message…thank you David!! I hope I can keep that vibe going with my blog….that’s enough BS out there already! 🙂

  3. Kovas

    A lot of great ideas in this post. My struggle is to get people to interact more.

    • Bex Band

      Thanks Kovas. I’ve just posted part 2 which might help a bit in terms of ideas for content. The easiest way to build engagement, in the beginning, is by interacting with other bloggers and public figures. Not people who have thousands of followers as you will get lost in the noise. It’s pretty common for example if I was to comment on another bloggers post for them to do the same on mine. That will help boost your posts so more people are likely to see and interact.

      Another option is to pose questions…particularly relevant and ‘juicy’ topics to help get discussions flowing.


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